Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Nerdy fun at MSU

Michigan State University Library (open 24 hours during the semester) has thousands of books and tons of fantastic resources. They also have fountains of blue water because, duh, water is blue. 
Sometimes students put dish soap in the fountains to make bubbles. YAY!!!

You can use MSU library resources if you are not a student. I'll show you how!! (The students don't use them anyway because they are too busy getting loaded.)

Step 1: Parking is difficult during the day, but after 6pm, you can park in the employee spots. 

Step 2: Finding a resource. You can ask a friendly librarian at the reference desk, or you can look it up yourself! These "Selected Resources/Catalog" computers don't require an MSU ID to log in. 
Once you find the call number, you look for the floor and location of your book on the East or West wing. Then follow the colored lines.
Hope you're not color blind!

If you're lucky, your book will be on a floor that has sliding shelves. These are fun and save space!

You can check out your book with a community borrowers card. I forgot how I got this great little card, so you'll have to figure that out yourself. 

When you're done with the library, you can check out the MSU gardens. 

They're beautiful and peaceful. Each plant has a little placard that explains what the plant is. Interesting.

Have nerdy fun at MSU and let us know what you like to do on campus.


  1. Great entry! I too LOVE those sliding shelves. There is at least one other BLUE fountain in East Lansing - on Grand River across from campus. What's up with that?

    1. Don't you know science? Water is blue. The sky dyes it.
